BlackBerry has launched Z3, its new budget device in India at Rs 15,990. The phone will be available for pre-order starting today via select e-commerce websites and BlackBerry stores.
Among the first devices made by Foxconn for the company, BlackBerry Z3 sports a 5-inch qHD (540x960p) display. It is powered by a 1.2GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon 400 (MSM8230) dual-core processor and 1.5GB RAM. The phone runs BlackBerry 10 OS version 10.2.1, the latest iteration of the OS.
It also features a version of BlackBerry Maps that offers 2D maps, local search, and 3D voice guided turn-by-turn directions for users in India. The BlackBerry keyboard also supports Hindi and Hinglish predictive input.